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Booking your stay at La Bicok Ecolodge directly with us is cheaper than booking through Booking !

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For a stay of several days

Enjoy a comfortable cottage directly in the lodge with kitchen, bathroom, fridge, private parking space, access to the pool and private terrace overlooking a stream. Ideal for relaxing after a day exploring the surrounding area.

140$ per night

Discover our romantic suite, which offers breathtaking views of the rainforest from its balcony and hammocks. It's ideal for couples looking for a romantic getaway in a relaxing natural setting and a vantage point for birdwatching.

150 USD
swimming pool mindo-nature-bicok-ecolodge
swimming pool mindo-nature-bicok-ecolodge
ambiance mindo-nature-bicok-ecolodge
ambiance mindo-nature-bicok-ecolodge
breakfast mindo-nature-bicok-ecolodge
breakfast mindo-nature-bicok-ecolodge